Say goodbye to a relentless digital storm of mediocrity, drenching you in negativity!

Are we being held captive, our lives punctuated by the ceaseless pings of digital notifications that dictate our every move? Has the mesmerizing allure of endless videos, endless content feeds, endless sensationalized news stories turned us into mere puppets on a digital stage?

How long will you linger in the shadows of the familiar yet increasingly bleak world of the decaying internet — where each scroll and click echoes the diminishing returns of a past era — before you dare to leap into a more magical future?

By Mike Reid | August 2024

Wow. The internet has gotten a bit exhausting lately, hasn't it?

Back when I was in college in the middle of the 2000s, all you could do on Facebook was post a maximum of one photo, list your classes and your favorite TV shows, and poke people.

And we all loved it.

But the internet of today?

The internet of today is as if you walked into a restaurant with 1.4 Yelp stars and the kitchen just served you whatever was making the restaurant the most money. Also nobody told you, but all the food was infused with cannabis, so everyone ate five desserts.

And the problem isn't just social media. Politicians scream into your email inboxes at an increasing pace and desperation. News headlines are increasingly just clickbait, with website layouts growing increasingly crowded, addictive, and anxiety-inducing.

Right now, we have the opportunity to begin a new political era. 

Let's make 2024 the year we start prioritizing joy, creativity, and humor in what we share over the internet. This is our moment to approach politics from a new perspective — from the perspective the voters are craving right now. And by saying things that no one else is willing to, we will attract attention and grow our audience.

Let's do it. Let's embrace this new approach and create a brighter future for all. Let's stop performing for the algorithms. Let's make politics fun and engaging. By doing so, we'll become more informed and engaged, and evolve to meet the realities of today and tomorrow, instead of staying trapped in old broken systems.

We're standing at an exhilarating crossroads, and your voice isn't just important — it's absolutely vital. Be bold, be blunt, and speak your mind with all the energy and passion you can muster. This is no time for muted voices or half-hearted opinions. What are your unfiltered views? Let's hear your most candid, straightforward take — the time for impactful, positive action is now, and it starts with what you have to say!

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When we infuse politics with a new sense of joy and playfulness, we'll create an atmosphere that is more inviting and relatable.

This new approach will shatter barriers, instantly making politics more engaging for a wider audience. It will forge a new and more powerful emotional connection, driving people to participate and engage with political issues with newfound enthusiasm.

By turning serious discussions into more approachable and enjoyable conversations, we can bridge divides, build stronger communities, and inspire collective action toward common goals.

So here's to a brand new era of politics starting right now — one that values joy, creativity, and maybe even a little humor.